sábado, junho 02, 2012

Novo livro de Eugene V Koonin: The Logic of Chance - The Nature and Origin of Biological evolution

The Logic of Chance: The Nature and Origin of Biological Evolution

Published Aug 31, 2011 by FT Press. Part of the FT Press Science series.

Copyright 2012
Dimensions: 6" x 9"
Pages: 528
Edition: 1st
ISBN-10: 0-13-254249-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-254249-4


The Logic of Chance offers a reappraisal and a new synthesis of theories, concepts, and hypotheses on the key aspects of the evolution of life on earth in light of comparative genomics and systems biology. The author presents many specific examples from systems and comparative genomic analysis to begin to build a new, much more detailed, complex, and realistic picture of evolution. The book examines a broad range of topics in evolutionary biology including the inadequacy of natural selection and adaptation as the only or even the main mode of evolution; the key role of horizontal gene transfer in evolution and the consequent overhaul of the Tree of Life concept; the central, underappreciated evolutionary importance of viruses; the origin of eukaryotes as a result of endosymbiosis; the concomitant origin of cells and viruses on the primordial earth; universal dependences between genomic and molecular-phenomic variables; and the evolving landscape of constraints that shape the evolution of genomes and molecular phenomes.

"Koonin's account of viral and pre-eukaryotic evolution is undoubtedly up-to-date. His "mega views" of evolution (given what was said above) and his cosmological musings, on the other hand, are interesting reading." Summing Up: Recommended

Reprinted with permission from CHOICE, copyright by the American Library Association.

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Table of Contents

Preface: Toward a postmodern synthesis of evolutionary biology vii

Chapter 1: The fundamentals of evolution: Darwin and Modern Synthesis 1

Chapter 2: From Modern Synthesis to evolutionary genomics: Multiple processes and patterns of evolution 21

Chapter 3: Comparative genomics: Evolving genomescapes 49

Chapter 4: Genomics, systems biology, and universals of evolution: Genome evolution as a phenomenon of statistical physics 81

Chapter 5: The web genomics of the prokaryotic world: Vertical and horizontal flows of genes, the mobilome, and the dynamic pangenomes 105

Chapter 6: The phylogenetic forest and the quest for the elusive Tree of Life in the age of genomics 145

Chapter 7: The origins of eukaryotes: Endosymbiosis, the strange story of introns, and the ultimate importance of unique events in evolution 171

Chapter 8: The non-adaptive null hypothesis of genome evolution and origins of biological complexity 225

Chapter 9: The Darwinian, Lamarckian, and Wrightean modalities of evolution, robustness, evolvability, and the creative role of noise in evolution 257

Chapter 10: The Virus World and its evolution 293

Chapter 11: The Last Universal Common Ancestor, the origin of cells, and the primordial gene pool 329

Chapter 12: Origin of life: The emergence of translation, replication, metabolism, and membranes--the biological, geochemical, and cosmological perspectives 351

Chapter 13: The postmodern state of evolutionary biology 397

Appendix A: Postmodernist philosophy, metanarratives, and the nature and goals of the scientific endeavor 421

Appendix B: Evolution of the cosmos and life: Eternal inflation, “many worlds in one,” anthropic selection, and a rough estimate of the probability of the origin of life 431

References 439

Endnotes 479

Acknowledgments 495

About the author 497

Index 499



Este livro é a tarefa para casa de Francisco Salzano, Sergio Danilo Pena, Nélio Bizzo, 
Mario de Pinna, Paulo Sano, Maria Isabel Landim, e Acácio Pagan: leiam o livro e saibam por que a teoria da evolução de Darwin faliu epistemicamente no contexto de justificação teórica.

Ah, não se esqueçam de mandar uma carta, diferente dessa carta ao Presidente da Academia Brasileira de Ciências que vocês leram o livro atenciosamente, e doravante vão deixar de ser arrogantes em suas declarações públicas sobre o fato, Fato, FATO da evolução!

Fui, nem sei por que, rachando de rir desses mandarins da Nomenklatura científica tupiniquim!!! Razão? Eles sabem que pisaram na bola com o comportamento hostil contra um renomado cético de Darwin, Prof. Dr. Marcos Nogueira Eberlin, Unicamp, membro da Academia Brasileira de Ciências e do NBDI - Núcleo Brasileiro de Design Inteligente.