quinta-feira, outubro 13, 2011

Teoria das cordas e a metodologia geral: uma avaliação recíproca

String Theory and General Methodology: a Reciprocal Evaluation∗

Lars-Göran Johansson & Keizo Matsubara

Department of Philosophy
Uppsala University
Box 627, SE-751 26 Uppsala, Sweden



String theory has been the dominating research field in theoretical physics during the last decades. Despite the considerable time elapse, no new testable predictions have been derived by string theorists and it is understandable that doubts have been voiced. Some people have argued that it is time to give up since testability is wanting. But the majority has not been convinced and they continue to believe that string theory is the right way to go. This situation is interesting for philosophy of science since it highlights several of our central issues. In this paper we will discuss string theory from a number of different perspectives in general methodology. We will also relate the realism/antirealism debate to the current status of string theory. Our goal is twofold: both to take a look at string theory from philosophical perspectives and to use string theory as a test case for some philosophical issues.




Aplique-se as proposições de Johansson e Matsubara na teoria da evolução de Darwin através da seleção natural e n mecanismos evolucionários de A a Z, e entenderemos melhor por que muitos biólogos evolucionistas honestos e outros cientistas estão pedindo uma revisão teórica profunda em biologia evolucionária.

Afinal de contas, e contrariando a Dobzhansky, nada em biologia faz sentido à luz da evolução, mas à luz das evidências, e elas estão dizendo um sonoro NÃO às especulações transformistas de Darwin!!!