quarta-feira, setembro 21, 2011

Frontiers: uma iniciativa de publicações científicas de livre acesso (Open Access)

Frontiers is more than just an open-access publisher of scholarly articles: it is a pioneering approach to the world of academia, radically improving the way scholarly research is managed.

The Frontiers vision is a digital marketplace where equal opportunities to seek, share and generate knowledge is offered. To achieve this, the Frontiers platform provides instant open access to all of its publications through the Frontiers Journal Series and the Frontiers Community.

As an open-access Journal Series, Frontiers is revolutionizing research publishing by freely delivering outstanding research and academic evaluations.

The interdisciplinary Community system is reshaping research management with a state-of-the-art collaborative platform for all research communities, whether academics, research enthusiasts, investors or grant makers.

By applying the most advanced information technologies, Frontiers is catapulting scholarly publishing into a new digital academic era.

Source/Fonte: Frontiers