quarta-feira, agosto 31, 2011

Como melhorar a educação no Brasil: o abandono de certos modelos pedagógicos

Phi Delta KappanFebruary 2011 vol. 92 no. 5 39-43

She's Strict for a Good Reason: Highly Effective Teachers in Low-Performing Urban Schools

Mary Poplin, John Rivera, Dena Durish, Linda Hoff, Susan Kawell, Pat Pawlak, Ivannia Soto Hinman, Laura Straus and Cloetta Veney

Author Affiliations

MARY POPLIN is a professor of education at Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, Calif. JOHN RIVERA is a professor and special projects assistant to the president, San Diego City College, San Diego, Calif., and the study's policy director. DENA DURISH is coordinator for alternative routes to licensure programs for Clark County School District, Las Vegas, Nev. LINDA HOFF is director of teacher education at Fresno Pacific University, Fresno, Calif. SUSAN KAWELL is an instructor at California State University, Los Angeles, Calif. PAT PAWLAK is a program administrator in instructional services at Pomona Unified School District, Pomona, Calif. IVANNIA SOTO HINMAN is an assistant professor of education at Whittier College, Whittier, Calif. LAURA STRAUS is an instructor at the University of Montana Western, Dillon, Mont. CLOETTA VENEY is an administrative director at Azusa Pacific University, Azusa,


A study of 31 high-performing teachers in low-performing urban schools found that these teachers had certain traits in common. They were strict; they taught in traditional, explicit ways; there was little time in their classrooms when instruction was not occurring; and they moved around the room helping their students. They used very few constructivist or cooperative activities. And they stressed particular virtues, including respecting self and others, working hard, being responsible, never giving up, doing excellent work, trying one's best, being hopeful, thinking critically, being honest, and considering consequences. They strongly believed in their students' potential and pushed them to achieve.


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Fui professor no ensino médio e agi basicamente nesses termos em sala de aula: o processo ensino-aprendizagem ocorre  pela dedicação de professores e alunos em sala de aula, e que os alunos somente aprendem quando são capazes de reproduzir os conhecimentos apresentado pelos professores. Mas aqui no Brasil estão premiando a ignorância dos alunos e obrigando os professores a aprová-los.

Pobre Brasil!!!