domingo, julho 17, 2011

Marcelo Gleiser disse: Richard Lindzen faz confusão sobre os fatos básicos da ciência do clima

Marcelo Gleiser, no seu artigo Aquecimento: guia para os perplexos [Acesso ao texto integral somente para assinantes da Folha de São Paulo e UOL] publicado na FSP, 17/07/2011 afirmou que as discussões sobre o aquecimento global provocam posições bastante polarizadas, e que uma das causas "é uma certa confusão com relação a fatos básicos sobre a ciência do clima". 

Nada mais falso, pois Richard S. Lindzen, um cientista de renome, juntamente com mais 30.000 cientistas, é cético quanto ao aquecimento global ser antropogenicamente provocado. 

Vide o CV de Lindzen, e tirem suas conclusões se ele deve ser mais ouvido sobre esta questão polêmica do que Gleiser que nada pesquisou a respeito da mudança climática:

Lindzen, Richard S.

(617) 253-2432Bldg. 54-1720

Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences

+++++Professor Lindzen is a dynamical meteorologist with interests in the broad topics of climate, planetary waves, monsoon meteorology, planetary atmospheres, and hydrodynamic instability. His research involves studies of the role of the tropics in mid-latitude weather and global heat transport, the moisture budget and its role in global change, the origins of ice ages, seasonal effects in atmospheric transport, stratospheric waves, and the observational determination of climate sensitivity. He has made major contributions to the development of the current theory for the Hadley Circulation, which dominates the atmospheric transport of heat and momentum from the tropics to higher latitudes, and has advanced the understanding of the role of small scale gravity waves in producing the reversal of global temperature gradients at the mesopause, and provided accepted explanations for atmospheric tides and the quasi-biennial oscillation of the tropical stratosphere. He pioneered the study of how ozone photochemistry, radiative transfer and dynamics interact with each other. He is currently studying what determines the pole to equator temperature difference, the nonlinear equilibration of baroclinic instability and the contribution of such instabilities to global heat transport. He has also been developing a new approach to air-sea interaction in the tropics, and is actively involved in parameterizing the role of cumulus convection in heating and drying the atmosphere and in generating upper level cirrus clouds. He has developed models for the Earth's climate with specific concern for the stability of the ice caps, the sensitivity to increases in CO2, the origin of the 100,000 year cycle in glaciation, and the maintenance of regional variations in climate. Prof. Lindzen is a recipient of the AMS's Meisinger, and Charney Awards, the AGU's Macelwane Medal, and the Leo Huss Walin Prize. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, and the Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters, and a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences, the American Geophysical Union and the American Meteorological Society. He is a corresponding member of the NAS Committee on Human Rights, and has been a member of the NRC Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate and the Council of the AMS. He has also been a consultant to the Global Modeling and Simulation Group at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, and a Distinguished Visiting Scientist at California Institute of Technology's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. (Ph.D., '64, S.M., '61, A.B., '60, Harvard University).



Com um CV desses, dificilmente Lindzen seria alguém que faça
 "uma certa confusão com relação a fatos básicos sobre a ciência do clima."

Aguardem a réplica deste blogger ao artigo de Gleiser, intitulada de Aquecimento: guia para os crentes renitentes.