quinta-feira, julho 14, 2011

Abordagens computacionais para a predição de estrutura, análise e design do RNA

Computational approaches to RNA structure prediction, analysis, and design

Christian Laing and Tamar Schlick

RNA molecules are important cellular components involved in many fundamental biological processes. Understanding the mechanisms behind their functions requires RNA tertiary structure knowledge. Although modeling approaches for the study of RNA structures and dynamics lag behind efforts in protein folding, much progress has been achieved in the past two years. Here, we review recent advances in RNA folding algorithms, RNA tertiary motif discovery, applications of graph theory approaches to RNA structure andfunction, and in silico generation of RNA sequence pools for aptamer design. Advances within each area can be combined to impact many problems in RNA structure and function.

Address Department of Chemistry, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, 251 Mercer Street, NewYork, NY 10012, USA

Corresponding author: Schlick,Tamar(schlick@nyu.edu)

Current Opinion in Structural Biology 2011, 21:1–13

This review comes from a themed issue on 
Nucleic acids
Edited by Anna Marie Pyle and Zippi Shakked
0959-440X/$ –see front matter
# 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
