quarta-feira, junho 22, 2011

Prostituição sexual nas universidades corrobora a teoria da evolução de Darwin

Hooking Up: Gender Differences, Evolution, and Pluralistic Ignorance 

Chris Reiber, Graduate Program in Biomedical Anthropology, Department of Anthropology, and Institute for 

Evolutionary Studies (EvoS), Binghamton University (SUNY), Binghamton, NY, USA. Email: 

creiber@binghamton.edu (Corresponding author). 

Justin R. Garcia, Departments of Biological Sciences and Anthropology, and Institute for Evolutionary 

Studies (EvoS), Binghamton University (SUNY), Binghamton, NY, USA.

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“Hooking-up” – engaging in no-strings-attached sexual behaviors with 
ncommitted partners – has become a norm on college campuses, and raises the potential for disease, unintended pregnancy, and physical and psychological trauma. The primacy of sex in the evolutionary process suggests that predictions derived from evolutionary theory may be a useful first step toward understanding these contemporary behaviors. This study assessed the hook-up behaviors and attitudes of 507 college students. As predicted by behavioral-evolutionary theory: men were more comfortable than women with all types of sexual behaviors; women correctly attributed higher comfort levels to men, but overestimated men’s actual comfort levels; and men correctly attributed lower comfort levels to women, but still overestimated women’s actual comfort levels. Both genders attributed higher comfort levels to same-gendered others, reinforcing a pluralistic ignorance effect that might contribute to the high frequency of hook-up behaviors in spite of the low comfort levels reported and suggesting that hooking up may be a modern form of intrasexual competition between females for potential mates. 

Keywords: hooking up, hook-up, pluralistic ignorance, gender differences, evolution
