quinta-feira, junho 16, 2011

A evolução debaixo do microscópio

Evolution Under the Microscope [Paperback]

David Swift (Author)

SBN 0 9543589 0 2

softback, 156 x 234 mm (Royal), xii+423 pp

Published 2002

"Easily the best critique of evolution available."

The theory of evolution is the leading explanatory principle of biology. But it is much more than that. Because it relates to our origins it has far wider implications; and this, of course, is why it is still debated well over a century after Darwin. Yet this book is what it claims to be - a critical examination of the science of evolution. The author does not argue from or in defence of what the Bible (or any other religious text) may say on the matter. Neither is it typical 'creation science', for example he accepts that the earth is billions of years old. He also completely agrees with the principle of natural selection, and the possibility that substantial progress, even 'apparent design', could arise through the accumulation (by the operation of natural selection) of a series of advantageous variations. However, David Swift shows convincingly that what we have discovered in the last 50 years of biochemistry presents insurmountable hurdles to the current widely-accepted evolutionary explanation for the complexity of biology at the molecular level.


David Swift sets the scene by outlining the rise of evolutionary ideas up to Darwin, who introduced the key concept of natural selection. He then describes how the theory developed as an understanding was gained of hereditary mechanisms, leading to the emergence of Neo-Darwinism - evolution through natural selection in the context of Mendelian genetics. By the middle of the 20th century there were good reasons for the widespread acceptance of evolution - to the extent that many were convinced the theory must be true, no matter what further discoveries were made.

However, what we have learned in the last 50 years of molecular biology has revealed facts that pose fundamental challenges to the theory. This is not based merely on simplistic arguments about the improbability of biological macromolecules (e.g. proteins and genes) - such as have been presented already by various other authors: David Swift examines current theories of how it is proposed such macromolecules might have evolved, and explains why they are totally unsatisfactory; indeed he shows that the complexity of molecular biology completely defies any sort of evolutionary explanation. Further, there is no evidence for the constructive mutations that would be required to fuel long-term evolution (and the book includes a detailed discussion of the acquisition of resistance to pesticides which is frequently portrayed as demonstrating such evolution).

Many advocates of evolution point to the operation of natural selection and the fossil record as evidence, even proof; but David Swift shows that any demonstrable evolution is strictly limited and does not answer the fundamental problems posed by biochemistry, in fact adds weight to them. Even circumstantial evidence such as homology (e.g. the similarity of vertebrate skeletons) is not what it seems; in fact the lack of homology between apparently related groups of organisms further challenges their supposed evolution from a common ancestor.

He brings the book to a close by discussing the nature of science - that it progresses through paradigms which explain some of the facts, but where anomalous ones are suppressed - which is why there is reluctance to give due weight to the many problems with the theory of evolution.

This thoroughly researched book is a must for any with a serious interest in the subject of evolution. It successfully tackles the scientific issues at an appropriate level for consideration by professional biologists, and at the same time makes the subject accessible to the more general reader.




Sempre afirmei nest blog que existiam e existem dificuldades fundamentais, NOTA BENE, fundamentais para a corroboração da teoria da evolução de Darwin através da seleção natural no contexto de justificação teórica, e o silêncio pétreo da Nomeklatura científica e da Grande Mídia em debater publicamente a maior ideia que toda a humanidade já teve.

Por que, hein??? Não era a teoria científica mais comprovada cientificamente assim como a lei da gravidade? Nada mais falso e em descompasso da verdade das evidências encontradas nas pesquisas evolucionárias registradas nas publicações científicas.

Fui, nem sei por que, pensando no que um grande amigo evolucionista me disse após uma palestra que dei no Mackenzie: "Enézio, acho que você embarcou na canoa furada do Design Inteligente". Respondi: "Eu estou apostando todas as minhas fichas no Design Inteligente em vez de apostar no pangaré de Darwin". He, he, he, he!!!