quarta-feira, abril 06, 2011

Mayana Zatz deve saber disso: os dias das pesquisas com embriões humanos estão contados 2/2

A more efficient method to generate integration-free human iPS cells

Keisuke Okita, Yasuko Matsumura, Yoshiko Sato, Aki Okada, Asuka Morizane, Satoshi Okamoto, Hyenjong Hong, Masato Nakagawa, Koji Tanabe, Ken-ichi Tezuka, Toshiyuki Shibata, Takahiro Kunisada, Masayo Takahashi, Jun Takahashi, Hiroh Saji & Shinya Yamanaka



Corresponding authors

Nature Methods (2011) doi:10.1038/nmeth.1591

Received 29 October 2010 
Accepted 08 February 2011 
Published online 03 April 2011

We report a simple method, using p53 suppression and nontransforming L-Myc, to generate human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) with episomal plasmid vectors. We generated human iPSCs from multiple donors, including two putative human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-homozygous donors who match ~20% of the Japanese population at major HLA loci; most iPSCs are integrated transgene-free. This method may provide iPSCs suitable for autologous and allologous stem-cell therapy in the future.
