segunda-feira, março 14, 2011

O problema não resolvido de Darwin: o lugar da consciência em um mundo evolucionário

Darwin's Unsolved Problem: The Place of Consciousness in an Evolutionary World 

Author: C. U. M. (Chris) Smitha


“How does consciousness commence?” When Darwin set about developing his evolution theory on his return from the Beagle circumnavigation in 1836, he quickly realized that one major problem was, precisely, the existence of “mind” in a material world. This paper reviews his early struggles with this problem and pursues it into his later writings, especially the 1872 Expression of Emotions and in the work of his disciple G. J. Romanes. In the 1871 Descent of Man, Darwin admits defeat, writing that “In what manner the mental powers were first developed in the lowest organisms is as hopeless an enquiry as how life itself first originated. These are problems for the distant future” (p. 100). That “distant future” has now arrived and plausible answers to Darwin's first question have been developed. The bicentennial celebrations provide an opportunity to ask again whether we are any closer to a solution of the second. They also provide an opportunity to emphasize Darwin's lifelong interest in the relationships between mind, brain, and behavior.

Keywords: Darwin; mind; double consciousness; evolution; Beagle; Fuegians

Affiliation: a Vision Sciences, Aston University, Birmingham, UK 

DOI: 10.1080/09647040903504781

Journal of the History of the Neurosciences, Volume 19, Issue 2 April 2010 , pages 105 - 120
