domingo, fevereiro 13, 2011

DNA móvel: achando tesouro no lixo

Mobile DNA: Finding Treasure in Junk
By Haig Kazazian
Published Jan 25, 2011 by FT Press.

    Copyright 2011
Dimensions: 6" x 9"
    Pages: 320
    Edition: 1st
    Rough Cuts
    ISBN-10: 0-13-257521-3
    ISBN-13: 978-0-13-257521-8


This is the Rough Cut version of the printed book.

In Mobile DNA, leading geneticist Haig Kazazian thoroughly reviews our current understanding of the substantial role mobile genetic elements play in genome and organism evolution and function. Writing for both students and researchers, Kazazian discusses research strategies, shows how advances have presented unexpected new questions, and explains how new tools have promoted further progress. Coverage includes: multiple types of mobile DNA; retrotransposition and other key concepts; important mobile DNA research advances in the human genome, mammals, and plants; mobile DNA’s role in increasing genome plasticity and diversity; and the roles of leading scientists in moving mobile DNA research forward. Kazazian concludes with informed reflections on the possible biological roles of mobile DNA, and his own current best guesses about how a number of the leading questions currently under active investigation will likely be answered.



Você sabia que o atual paradigma da Síntese Evolutiva Moderna considerava o DNA lixo como sendo realmente LIXO? e que a turma do Design Inteligente sempre propôs que essas regiões de DNA se mostrariam funcionais? As evidências apoiaram as predições do cientistas do Design Inteligente.

Então cara-pálida, qual teoria impede o avanço da ciência???