quarta-feira, janeiro 05, 2011

Flotilha humanista em 2011 para destruir o Estado de Israel

Authorized use/Uso autorizado: Yaakov Kirschen - Bry Bones Blog

1. Um navio cruzeiro de "ativistas"

2. parte em direção a Gaza...

3. na esperança de afundar um país



According to the Iranian Student News Agency:

Iranian clerics: Gaza-based aid flotilla, factor of Zionist regime's collapse

TEHRAN (ISNA)-"Iranian cleric Ayatollah Naser Makarem Shirazi said Asian aid convoy's movement towards Gaza Strip is one of the factors of collapse of Zionist regime.

The flotilla carrying 130 people from India, Pakistan, Iran, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, Bahrain and Azerbaijan as well as Kuwait, Lebanon and Jordan is to reach Gaza Strip.

The convoy originating from India has also reached Iran and is now in Syria to arrive in Gaza Strip." - more

and this from the IDF:

Turkish IHH Continues to Incite Hatred Against Israel

"The Turkish organization IHH, which played a central role in May's flotilla to Gaza, continues to lead its campaign to incite hatred against Israel both in Turkey and abroad, reported the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (ITIC) on Thursday (Dec. 30). According to the report, IHH spokespeople have been using their heroic myth of the Mavi Marmara in the campaign and advocating for every Palestinian demand, including that of the return of Palestinians to "Jaffa, Tel Aviv and Haifa." - more



Sou pacifista, mas favorável a guerras justas, especialmente as de defesa contra inimigos comuns. Atos como este de flagrante violência e de tentativa de desestabilização de um estado democrático, no caso especial Israel, merece uma reação violenta na medida necessária: afundem esse navio!

E se tiver brasileiros no meio desta "flotilha humanista"? Que se danem! Se defender Israel assim me faz um sionista, SOU SIONISTA!



Para, por e com Israel, sempre! Apesar de [preencher as lacunas]