segunda-feira, dezembro 06, 2010

ISSOL and Bioastronomy Joint International Conference - Montpellier, France, July 3rd-8th, 2011

Call for papers

The online submission of abstracts for contributed communications (Oral and Posters) will be open from Monday,December 13th 2010 to Saturday February 19th, 2011. After this deadline and until April 11th, 2011 only poster submissions will be considered (without guarantee of acceptance, and depending on available poster exhibition slots).

The number of abstract submissions is limited to two by submitting/presenting author (there is no limit as co-author). No abstract fees are charged.

Abstract presentation: authors are requested to prepare a one-page PDF file (for upload on the online submission platform), together with a short text for the Conference book. Details are given in the relevant section of this website.

Pre-registration to Origins 2011 is required for abstract submission. Pre-registered participants will receive login information and submission guidelines by e-mail (a valid e-mail address is required to access registration/submission platforms).

Upon submission of their abstract, Authors are requested to choose the most relevant topic from the list of Origins 2011 topics, and to state their preferred presentation option (oral or poster). The final decision on oral presentation belongs to the Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC) however, on basis of the number and quality of received abstracts.

Abstracts will be reviewed by the SOC before April 11th, 2011; reviewing and selection results will be communicated to authors in the following week.

The submission of abstracts carries with it (once accepted by the SOC) the obligation of show-up at Origins 2011 (and of payment of registration fees before May 27th, 2011) by the presenting author. In case of non-reception of registration fees within the above deadlines from any of the co-authors, the abstract would not be inserted in the Conference book, and the corresponding presentation (if accepted as oral) would be removed from the Conference schedule.