domingo, dezembro 26, 2010

A ciência revela a coerência de um universo planejado

The coherence of an engineered world

Author(s): D. Halsmer, J. Asper, N. Roman & T. Todd


Normally, information from scientific discoveries is funnelled into the development of engineered products that benefit humanity. 

But recently a strange turnabout in the flow of practical information has occurred. 

Concepts from the field of engineering have been found extremely useful in areas of science. 

From the very large aspects of the universe (i.e. big bang cosmology and galactic and stellar evolution) to the very small aspects (i.e. the fitness of the chemical elements and the coding of DNA for life), the cosmos is so readily and profitably reverse-engineered by scientists and engineers as to make a compelling argument that it was engineered in the first place.

The linking of extraordinarily complex, but stable functional structures with the production of value provides the strong impression of a calculating intentionality, which is able to operate in a transcendent fashion.

The most coherent view of the universe is that of a system of subsystems that efficiently interact to prepare for, develop, and support advanced life, subject to various physical constraints.

The quest for understanding our universe as a whole benefits from the integration of knowledge from all areas of study, including those that consider questions of purpose, such as design engineering.

The synthesis of this knowledge that provides the most satisfying answers regarding human experience is one that admits the recognition of purpose and the existence of an (as yet, not-wellunderstood) engineering influence.


cosmology, reverse-engineering, anthropic principle, engineering.

1 Introduction:

Throughout the ages, many great minds have expressed a profound appreciation for the incredible ingenuity of natural systems. 

Leonardo da Vinci, from his in- ...

Pages: 15
Size: 354 kb
Paper DOI: 10.2495/DN080321
