sexta-feira, novembro 19, 2010

Um alerta aos novos cientistas: cuidado com o que diz para a Grande Mídia

"Although some young scientists embrace media engagement (see page 365 for a profile of one of them), many remain nervous. “I've had some young postdocs in politically charged institutions whisper to me, 'Hey, I have to wait until I have tenure, and then you'll hear from me',” says Baron, adding that caution is sometimes warranted. In her book, Escape from the Ivory Tower: A Guide to Making Your Science Matter (Island Press, 2010), she cites the example of Martin Krkosek, a biologist who as a graduate student helped to show that sea-lice infestations linked to farmed salmon in Canada were hurting wild salmon populations. Between 2005 and 2007, he published in Science and elsewhere, and often spoke to the media. Controversy swirled. The salmon aquaculture industry refuted the findings, suggesting that the infestations were natural; but in 2008, British Columbia put a moratorium on fish-farm expansion, owing in part to Krkosek's work. He says that his media outreach may have hurt his cause at some departments where he applied for positions. At others it was an asset. “Waiting for tenure may be safer for career advancement in some instances,” says Krkosek, now in a tenure-track position at the University of Otago in New Zealand. “But opportunities for communicating with public and policy audiences could be lost.”


Outreach: Meet the press

Gene Russo

Nature 468, 465–467 (2010) doi:10.1038/nj7322-465a

Published online 17 November 2010

This article was originally published in the journal Nature

Some scientists embrace the media; others bristle. All should know how to reach out, and how their careers can benefit.

Subject terms: Careers, Journals, Media, Communication
