terça-feira, novembro 23, 2010

Quão simbiogênica é a evolução? Por uma abordagem pós-neodarwinista da evolução

How symbiogenic is evolution?

Francisco Carrapiço

From the issue entitled "Special Issue: Darwin evaluated by contemporary evolutionary and philosophical theories / Guest Editors: Nathalie Gontier, Francisco Carrapiço, Marco Pina, André Levy and Helena Abreu"


When new entities are formed by the integration of individual organisms, these new entities possess characteristics which go beyond the sum of the individual properties of each element of the association, resulting in the development of new attributes and capacities as an integrated whole. In this process, these new entities also agglutinate and dynamize synergies not present in the individual organisms. In this sense, evolution is a dynamic process that evolves not in the way of perfection or progress, but in the way of adaptation to new conditions. Symbiogenesis, as an evolutionary mechanism, allows a coherent conceptual rupture with some evolutionary ideas of the past and, at the same time, shows and builds a new approach to life, based on solid evolutionary ideas, expanding evolution to an adequate level of integration with the more recent data in biology. These ideas and concepts should be integrated in a post-neodarwinian approach to evolution that needs further attention from the scientific community. The development of a Symbiogenic Theory of Evolution could contribute toward a new epistemological approach of the symbiotic phenomenon in the evolutionary context. This, in our point of view, could be the beginning of a new paradigm in science that rests almost unexplored.

Keywords Evolution - Symbiogenesis - Symbiosis - Post-neodarwinism - Synergies




Pós-neodarwinismo!!! Gente, parafraseando Thomas Huxley: Por que eu não tive esta brilhante ideia??? E agora, como fica este blogger pós-darwinista??? Eu acho que vou usar este termo em meu perfil: pós-neodarwinista e dizer as razões por que disso: estritamente seculares e científicas! 

Que venga la nueva teoría pós-neodarwinista: a SÍNTESE EVOLUTIVA AMPLIADA que, por essas e outras razões científicas, e contrariando frontalmente a Darwin, não pode e nem deve ser selecionista.

Me engana que eu gosto!!! O poder do paradogma e da ideologia vão atropelar as evidências contrárias. Evidências? Que se danem as evidências, o que vale é a teoria (frase atribuída a Dobzhansky aos seus alunos na USP, mas quem sabe se recusa confirmar...)