terça-feira, novembro 02, 2010

Evolution: The Molecular Landscape, novo livro da Cold Spring Harbor Press

Evolution: The Molecular Landscape
(Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology LXXIV)

Book Series: Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology
Subject Area(s): Evolution; Molecular Biology

Edited By Bruce Stillman, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; David Stewart, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; Jan Witkowski, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Note: Any library purchasing the hardcover version of this book is entitled to site–wide online access to it, and a number of past volumes, at www.cshl–symposium.org. Please visit the site to register or e–mail Customer Service for assistance (cironek@cshl.edu). Individuals are encouraged to remind their libraries to activate.

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This volume is based on presentations by the world-renowned investigators who gathered at the 74th annual Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the publication of Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species. It reviews the latest advances in research into evolution, focusing on the molecular bases for evolutionary change. The topics covered include the appearance of the first genetic material, the origins of cellular life, evolution and development, selection and adaptation, and genome evolution. Human origins, cognition, and cultural evolution are also covered, along with social interactions.

The line-up of speakers comprised a stellar list of preeminent scientists and thinkers such as the zoologist and prolific author E. O. Wilson (Harvard University); Jack W. Szostak (Harvard Medical School), a 2009 Nobel Prize winner who studies the chemistry of life's origins; and Nobel Prize winner and former president of HHMI Thomas Cech (Colorado Institute for Molecular Biotechnology), to name just a few.


Symposium Participants


Darwin the Scientist
J. Browne
On the Future of Biology
E.O. Wilson
RNA and Proteins

Evolution of Biological Catalysis: Ribozyme to RNP Enzyme
T.R. Cech
Evolution in an RNA World
G.F. Joyce
The Ribosome: Some Hard Facts about Its Structure and Hot Air about Its Evolution
V. Ramakrishnan
Step-by-Step Evolution of Vertebrate Blood Coagulation
R.F. Doolittle
How Proteins Adapt: Lessons from Directed Evolution
F.H. Arnold
Cellular Evolution

Reconstructing the Emergence of Cellular Life through the Synthesis of Model Protocells
S.S. Mansy and J.W. Szostak
Dynamic Chromosome Organization and Protein Localization Coordinate the Regulatory Circuitry that Drives the Bacterial Cell Cycle
E.D. Goley, E. Toro, H.H. McAdams, and L. Shapiro
An Integrated View of Precambrian Eumetazoan Evolution
E.H. Davidson and D.H. Erwin
The Dawn of Developmental Signaling in the Metazoa
G.S. Richards and B.M. Degnan

Evolving Views of DNA Replication (In)Fidelity
T.A. Kunkel
Protein Folding Sculpting Evolutionary Change
S. Lindquist
Predicting Virus Evolution: The Relationship between Genetic Robustness and Evolvability of Thermotolerance
C.B. Ogbunugafor, R.C. McBride, and P.E. Turner
Genome-wide Mutational Diversity in an Evolving Population ofEscherichia coli
J.E. Barrick and R.E. Lenski
Selection, Gene Interaction, and Flexible Gene Networks
R.J. Greenspan
Selection and Adaptation

The Oligogenic View of Adaptation
G. Bell
Genetic Dissection of Complex Traits in Yeast: Insights from Studies of Gene Expression and Other Phenotypes in the BYxRM Cross
I.M. Ehrenreich, J.P. Gerke, and L. Kruglyak
Measuring Natural Selection on Genotypes and Phenotypes in the Wild
C.R. Linnen and H.E. Hoekstra
Exploring the Molecular Landscape of Host–Parasite Coevolution
D.E. Allen and T.J. Little
Genetic Recombination and Molecular Evolution
B. Charlesworth, A.J. Betancourt, V.B. Kaiser, and I. Gordo
Why Sex and Recombination?
N.H. Barton

Eradicating Typological Thinking in Prokaryotic Systematics and Evolution
W.F. Doolittle
The Phylogenetic Forest and the Quest for the Elusive Tree of Life
E.V. Koonin, Y.I. Wolf, and P. Puigbò
On the Origins of Species: Does Evolution Repeat Itself in Polyploid Populations of Independent Origin?
D.E. Soltis, R.J.A. Buggs, W.B. Barbazuk, P.S. Schnable, and P.S. Soltis
Evolution of Systems

Molecular Evolution of piRNA and Transposon Control Pathways in Drosophila
C.D. Malone and G.J. Hannon
Drosophila Brain Development: Closing the Gap between a Macroarchitectural and Microarchitectural Approach
A. Cardona, S. Saalfeld, P. Tomancak, and V. Hartenstein
A General Basis for Cognition in the Evolution of Synapse Signaling Complexes
S.G.N. Grant
Evolution of Development

Evolution in Reverse Gear: The Molecular Basis of Loss and Reversal
Q.C.B. Cronk
Darwin’s “Abominable Mystery”: The Role of RNA Interference in the Evolution of Flowering Plants
A. Cibrián-Jaramillo and R.A. Martienssen
Evolution of Insect Dorsoventral Patterning Mechanisms
M.W. Perry, J.D. Cande, A.N. Boettiger, and M. Levine
Lophotrochozoa Get into the Game: The Nodal Pathway and Left/Right Asymmetry in Bilateria
C. Grande and N.H. Patel
On the Origins of Novelty and Diversity in Development and Evolution: A Case Study on Beetle Horns
A.P. Moczek
Genetic Regulation of Mammalian Diversity
R.R. Behringer, J.J. Rasweiler IV, C.-H. Chen, and C.J. Cretekos

Genomics, Domestication, and Evolution of Forest Trees
R. Sederoff, A. Myburg, and M. Kirst
Studying Phenotypic Evolution in Domestic Animals: A Walk in the Footsteps of Charles Darwin
L. Andersson
Fine Mapping a Locus Controlling Leg Morphology in the Domestic Dog
P. Quignon, J.J. Schoenebeck, K. Chase, H.G. Parker, D.S. Mosher, G.S. Johnson, K.G. Lark, and E.A. Ostrander
Human Evolution

Human Origins and Evolution: Cold Spring Harbor, Déjà Vu
T.D. White
Reconstructing the Evolution of Vertebrate Sex Chromosomes
D.W. Bellott and D.C. Page
The Evolution of Human Segmental Duplications and the Core Duplicon Hypothesis
T. Marques-Bonet and E.E. Eichler
snaR Genes: Recent Descendants of Alu Involved in the Evolution of Chorionic Gonadotropins
A.M. Parrott and M.B. Mathews
DUF1220 Domains, Cognitive Disease, and Human Brain Evolution
L. Dumas and J.M. Sikela
Mitochondria, Bioenergetics, and the Epigenome in Eukaryotic and Human Evolution
D.C. Wallace
Genetic Structure in African Populations: Implications for Human Demographic History
C.A. Lambert and S.A. Tishkoff
Social Interaction and Human Society

A Defense of Sociobiology
K.R. Foster
Evo-Devo and the Evolution of Social Behavior: Brain Gene Expression Analyses in Social Insects
A.L. Toth and G.E. Robinson
Cooking and the Human Commitment to a High-quality Diet
R.N. Carmody and R.W. Wrangham
The Cultural Evolution of Words and Other Thinking Tools
D.C. Dennett
When Ideas Have Sex: The Role of Exchange in Cultural Evolution
M.W. Ridley
An Evolutionary Approach to Financial History
N. Ferguson
The Religious Essence of Intelligent Design
B. Forrest
Deconstructing Design: A Strategy for Defending Science
K.R. Miller
B. Charlesworth
Author Index

Subject Index



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