sexta-feira, novembro 12, 2010

Epigenética: a evolução da teoria da evolução? Lamarck redivivus???

Epigenetics: How Evolution Is Evolving

Posted on November 11, 2010 | 0 Comments

By Andrew Howley

Ever since the 1940s, the "modern synthesis" has presented evolution as the result of random mutations to DNA creating altered versions of living creatures that live and reproduce or die childless based on how well they happen to fit into their environment. This idea has served well in many ways for the generations since then, but now there's a new kid in town.

Meet the "New" Kid

"Epigenetics" addresses the increasing evidence that things other than DNA can control the appearance and function of living things, can be passed on to future generations, and most importantly, can arise in direct response to external environmental conditions. It's been covered in Science and TIME, on NOVA, Science Daily, and in an exposé-like series of articles from

This means that scientists should make room in the pantheon next to Darwin for the often ridiculed "stretch-your-neck-to-become-a-giraffe" Lamarck, who proposed that organisms change throughout their lives and pass on acquired traits to their offspring.

An illustration of Charles Darwin and natural forms that inspired his theories, from the September 1976 National Geographic magazine.

A closer look at history shows we also need to make a little more room next to Darwin for... Darwin himself.

The modern synthesis included certain of Darwin's theories, but discarded others, including that of "pangenesis," his idea that each body part somehow contributes "gemmules" of information to the sex cells to pass on traits acquired through use or disuse in the parent's life (read Darwin's "Provisional Hypothesis of Pangenesis").


Read more here/Leia mais aqui: BlogsNationalGeographic



Pouca gente sabe, até cientistas e biólogos evolucionistas, mas na 6a. edição do Origem das Espécies, Darwin se revela mais lamarckista do que o próprio Lamarck. Só agora eu entendo o por que de a 1a. edição do Origem das Espécies ser a edição recomendada para leitura nas universidades: não é porque preserva o pensamento original de Darwin, é que a Nomenklatura científica não quer que ninguém fique sabendo, a não ser os especialistas e estudiosos, que na 6a. edição do Origem das Espécies, o homem que teve a maior ideia que toda a humanidade já teve, propõe enfaticamente as teses por ele combatida em edições anteriores.

Lamarck redivivus??? Quem diria, Darwin vai pagar um baita mico lamarckiano? Quem viver, verá... Ah, a ciência, nada como a boa ciência: a verdade de hoje é mentira amanhã, e a mentira de ontem é verdade hoje...
