segunda-feira, outubro 11, 2010

Tarô para divulgação da ciência

By Roberta Kwok

Science tarot
A whimsical deck of cards shuffles the worlds of logic and mythology

[Published 8th October 2010 02:21 PM GMT]

On a Thursday night in San Francisco, three elaborately costumed women sit in a lively hall giving tarot readings. One wears ornamental snakes in her hair, and another sports a headdress with oversized purple eyeballs. This isn't your everyday divinatory gathering -- they're at the California Academy of Sciences, surrounded by glass cases of stuffed antelopes and lions. And instead of knights and kings, their cards display images of mitochondria, neurotransmitters, and Darwin.

The Science Tarot deck
Image: Logan Austeja Daniel

This unusual scene is the launch party ofScience Tarot, a collaboration between science communicators, artists, and other creative thinkers who have produced a science-inspired deck of tarot cards. The team has reimagined each traditional card as a scientific concept, using images ranging from bacteria to black holes. While some people are dubious about the idea, others say the project could encourage interest in science and even act as an educational tool.

"I want to get science out in the world in a friendly way, so people who don't necessarily have a relationship to science realize that it's part of their lives," says co-creatorRaven Hanna, a San Francisco-based science communicator with a PhD in molecular biophysics and biochemistry.
Read more here/Leia mais aqui: The Scientist




A ciência não precisa disso para ser divulgada aos leigos. O que a Nomenklatura científica não quer e foge assim como alguém foge de determinado símbolo religioso, é que o leigo tome mais conhecimentos do status epistêmico de determinadas teorias darling consensuais sobre as origens e evolução do universo e da vida em um contexto de justificação teórica. Traduzindo em graúdos: mais empiria.

Sei lá, associar a ciência a práticas místicas pode até ser um tiro no pé para a confiança que se espera a sociedade tenha na ciência.

Wicca, Wicca, Wicca, quem diria vai ser indicada para ganhar o prêmio José Reis de divulgação científica?

Vade retro, Wicca!