sexta-feira, outubro 01, 2010

Royal Society se distanciando do 'consenso' do IPCC sobre mudança climática?

Climate change: A Summary of the Science

Climate change continues to be a subject of intense public and political debate. Because of the level of interest in the topic the Royal Society has produced a new guide to the science of climate change. The guide summarises the current scientific evidence on climate change and its drivers, highlighting the areas where the science is well established, where there is still some debate, and where substantial uncertainties remain.

The document was prepared by a working group chaired by Professor John Pethica, Vice President of the Royal Society and was approved by the Royal Society Council.



Eu queria ver a cara do Marcelo Leite, jornalista especial da Folha de São Paulo, afirmacionista de carteirinha das mudanças climáticas serem antropogenicamente provocadas, sabendo agora que a Royal Society se distanciou um pouco do KONSENSO do IPCC.

É, em ciência, os cientistas seguem as evidências aonde elas forem dar. O resto é política e ideologia... 


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