quinta-feira, outubro 21, 2010

Respostas de stress celular: acesso livre na Molecular Cell

On the cover: The cell is conceptualized as a simulated city. To grow and prosper in harmony, the city must maintain a safe environment for its inhabitants, which is a constant challenge. Hazards that result from normal day-to-day functions, like waste and pollution, must be mitigated regularly. At the same time, the city must respond quickly to unexpected challenges, like fires, car accidents, and natural disasters. To achieve this, it coordinates an array of municipal responders, each with its own organization structure under the overall control of city hall. Like the city, the cell must maintain homeostasis when confronted with stresses, both internal and external, like reactive metabolic byproducts, protein aggregation, and DNA damage, as well as heat shock, nutrient deprivation, and oxygen fluctuations. It does this with genetic programs encoded in its DNA, which allow it to adapt and survive in the face of change. Cover art by Kate Mahan.


Volume 40, Issue 2 | October 22, 2010 FREE ACCESS/LIVRE ACESSO




Eu queria ver a cara do Massimo Pigliucci que lançou um INDEX PROHIBITORUM para os cientistas não usarem linguagem de engenharia (teleológica) para descrever as atividades das formas bióticas. 

Gente, a Molecular Cell fez comparação da célula a uma cidade. Uau, as cidades têm design inteligente. As células não???

Pano rápido, pois a Lógica 101 da Nomenklatura científica em biologia nem errada é...