segunda-feira, julho 12, 2010

Website Free to think [Livre para pensar] foi lançado


Most of us believe we live in a free country – but do we really?

Free to Think is an autobiographical story about Dr. Caroline Crocker, an educator at George Mason University who dared to challenge students to have open minds about neo-Darwinism.
The book is written in an anecdotal style and covers her teaching career, starting with her first, rather humorous, experiences in a community college and going on to describe how her passion for accuracy in education and encouragement of critical thinking earned her commendations for teaching excellence at a four-year university.

The heart of the book covers how she impartially presented the students with the scientific evidence for and against evolution and the scandalous reprisals that resulted. It continues with the saga of the attempted lawsuit and ends, triumphantly with a call to action.

Dr. Crocker states that if the United States is to compete in this technologically advanced era, science cannot afford to be narrow-minded or to be controlled by financial, political or ideological motives. People must have both accurate information and the freedom to consider all options. Scientific integrity is essential to ensure the continuation of our national way of life.


Website: Free to think


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