segunda-feira, julho 26, 2010

Descoberta de grande escala de inserção de hotspots e locais de integração preferencial dos elementos humanos transpostos

Nucleic Acids Research Advance Access originally published online on December 14, 2009 
Nucleic Acids Research 2010 38(5):1515-1530; doi:10.1093/nar/gkp1134 

Large-scale discovery of insertion hotspots and preferential integration sites of human transposed elements
Asaf LevySchraga Schwartz and Gil Ast*

Department of Human Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Ramat Aviv 69978, Israel

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +972 3 640 6893; Fax: +972 3 640 5168; Email:

Received September 28, 2009. Revised November 14, 2009. Accepted November 16, 2009.


Throughout evolution, eukaryotic genomes have been invaded by transposable elements (TEs). Little is known about the factors leading to genomic proliferation of TEs, their preferred integration sites and the molecular mechanisms underlying their insertion. We analyzed hundreds of thousands nested TEs in the human genome, i.e. insertions of TEs into existing ones. We first discovered that most TEs insert within specific ‘hotspots’ along the targeted TE. In particular, retrotransposed Alu elementscontain a non-canonical single nucleotide hotspot for insertion of other Alu sequences. We next devised a method for identification of integration sequence motifs of inserted TEs that are conserved within the targeted TEs. This method revealed novel sequences motifs characterizing insertions of various important TE families: Alu, hAT, ERV1 and MaLR. Finally, we performed a global assessment to determine the extent to which young TEs tend to nest within older transposed elements and identified a 4-fold higher tendency of TEs to insert into existing TEs than to insert within non-TE intergenic regions. Our analysis demonstrates that TEs are highly biased to insert within certain TEs, in specific orientations and within specific targeted TE positions. TE nesting events also reveal new characteristics of the molecular mechanisms underlying transposition.



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