sábado, maio 01, 2010

O estado de arte da nucleoporina fenilanina-glicina ultrafina

EMBO reports (2010) 11, 366 - 372

Published online: 9 April 2010

Subject Category:
Membranes & Transport

Ultrathin nucleoporin phenylalanine–glycine repeat films and their interaction with nuclear transport receptors EMBO Open

Image not related to this article/Imagem não relacionada a este artigo: Dr. Philipp M. Diesinger

Nico B Eisele1,2, Steffen Frey2, Jacob Piehler3, Dirk Görlich2 & Ralf P Richter1,4
Biosurfaces Unit, Centre for Cooperative Research in Biomaterials, Paseo Miramon 182, Donostia—San Sebastian 20009, Spain
Department of Cellular Logistics, Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Am Fassberg 11, Göttingen 37077, Germany
Department of Biology, University of Osnabrück, Barbarastrasse 11, Osnabrück 49076, Germany
Max Planck Institute for Metals Research, Heisenbergstrasse 3, Stuttgart 70569, Germany

Correspondence to:

Ralf P Richter, Tel: +34 943 00 5329; Fax: +34 943 00 5315;
E-mail: rrichter@cicbiomagune.es

Received 27 August 2009; Revised 28 January 2010; Accepted 12 February 2010


Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) are highly selective gates that mediate the exchange of all proteins and nucleic acids between the cytoplasm and the nucleus. Their selectivity relies on a supramolecular assembly of natively unfolded nucleoporin domains containing phenylalanine–glycine (FG)-rich repeats (FG repeat domains), in a way that is at present poorly understood. We have developed ultrathin FG domain films that reproduce the mode of attachment and the density of FG repeats in NPCs, and that exhibit a thickness that corresponds to the nanoscopic dimensions of the native permeability barrier. By using a combination of biophysical characterization techniques, we quantified the binding of nuclear transport receptors (NTRs) to such FG domain films and analysed how this binding affects the swelling behaviour and mechanical properties of the films. The results extend our understanding of the interaction of FG domain assemblies with NTRs and contribute important information to refine the model of transport across the permeability barrier.

Keywords: FG repeat domain, nuclear pore complex, nuclear transport receptor, nucleoporins, permeability barrier



A nucleoporina é um fenômeno que ocorre nas coisas bióticas que aponta nitidamente para Design Inteligente, e não mero acaso e fortuita necessidade através de mutações filtradas (a ironia aqui é intencional mesmo) pela seleção natural e n mecanismos evolutivos: o sistema não pode ter sido construído lenta e gradualmente ao longo de zilhões de anos: ele veio pronto.

Fui, nem sei por que, pensando que o fato, Fato, FATO da evolução não é assim tão cientificamente estabelecido com uma montanha de evidências comparado à lei da gravidade como afirmam por aí.