quinta-feira, abril 15, 2010

Formação de célula por espécies mixozoanas não é explicada pelo dogma

Cell formation by myxozoan species is not explained by dogma

David J. Morris*

-Author Affiliations

Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling, Stirling FK9 4LA, UK


Eukaryotes form new cells through the replication of nuclei followed by cytokinesis. A notable exception is reported from the class Myxosporea of the phylum Myxozoa. This assemblage of approximately 2310 species is regarded as either basal bilaterian or cnidarian, depending on the phylogenetic analysis employed. For myxosporeans, cells have long been regarded as forming within other cells by a process referred to as endogenous budding. This would involve a nucleus forming endoplasmic reticulum around it, which transforms into a new plasma membrane, thus enclosing and separating it from the surrounding cell. This remarkable process, unique within the Metazoa, is accepted as occurring within stages found in vertebrate hosts, but has only been inferred from those stages observed within invertebrate hosts. Therefore, I conducted an ultrastructural study to examine how internal cells are formed by a myxosporean parasitizing an annelid. In this case, actinospore parasite stages clearly internalized existing cells; a process with analogies to the acquisition of endosymbiotic algae by cnidarian species. A subsequent examination of the myxozoan literature did not support endogenous budding, indicating that this process, which has been a central tenet of myxozoan developmental biology for over a century, is dogma.

Myxosporea    actinospore    development   Myxozoa   endogenous budding    Paramyxida


Received February 10, 2010.
Accepted March 25, 2010.
© 2010 The Royal Society
