sexta-feira, março 26, 2010

O santuário dos orangutangos

This site provides in-depth information and resources for people dedicated to facilitating the reintroduction of orangutans to their natural habitats. Foremost, these pages are intended to aid professionals and researchers involved in conservation management at orangutan rehabilitation sites and sanctuaries. This web site belongs to Dr. Anne Russon.

Anne E. Russon is a Professor of Psychology at Glendon College, York University, Toronto, Canada.

Since 1989, she has been studying intelligence and learning in ex-captive Bornean orangutans rehabilitated and released to free forest life. Studies have been affiliated with orangutan projects in Tanjung Puting National
Park, Central Indonesian Borneo, and Orangutan Reintroduction Projects in East and Central Indonesian Borneo.

She has published numerous research and popular articles on orangutan intelligence, scholarly and popular
books on great ape intelligence. She has contributed to several documentaries on orangutans as scientific
advisor and participant.
She serves on advisory boards for several orangutan support organizations (Alchemy Films, Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation–Indonesia, the Orangutan Conservancy, Orangutan Network) and is the Executive Director of the Borneo Orangutan Society of Canada.