sábado, fevereiro 27, 2010

Por que Dawkins vai 'censurar' os comentários dos neoateus em seu blog?

Gente, eu nem pude acreditar no que li. Dawkins, o maior profeta ateu e de Darwin que toda a humanidade já teve, um racionalista que sempre teve a maior consideração pela razão e contra a censura de ideias, não resistiu à Galera de neoateus que, como a Galera dos meninos e meninas de Darwin, é mal-educada desde o berço. Triste conclusão: Dawkins vai 'censurar' os comentários dos neoateus brights, crèm de la crèm de la rationalité. 

Eu, fui mais inteligente do que o Dawkins. Segui o exemplo de outro ateu evolucionista, John Hawks, que não permite comentários no seu blog. Razão? Esta Galera é mal-educada, e não é capaz de debater civilmente. Além da covardia de se esconderem atrás de pseudônimos e contas de e-mails gratuitas. Entre o censurar comentários mais sujos do que privadas públicas-- pura perda de tempo, eu preferi não permitir comentários neste blog. Direito meu, e quem quiser que se estrebuche de raiva!


From The Times

February 26, 2010

Outraged atheists lose faith in Dawkins as he censors website

Hannah Devlin and Ruth Gledhill

Richard Dawkins is accustomed to provoking the wrath of religious communities, but now a schism seems to have opened up within the atheist community who make up his fan-base.

The split occurred after he announced that a discussion section on his website, considered one of the busiest online atheist forums, would in future be tightly moderated and “irrelevant postings and frivolous gossip” would no longer be allowed.

The change was scheduled for next month but such was the torrent of abuse after the announcement that the forum had to be locked down, deepening the rift between Professor Dawkins and his 85,000 online fans.

Writing on RichardDawkins.net yesterday, in a posting entitled “Outrage”, he said that there was “something rotten” in internet culture and pledged to rid his website of its abusive element.

“Imagine seeing your face described by an anonymous poster, as ‘a slack-jawed turd-in-the-mouth mug’,” he wrote. “Surely there has to be something wrong with people who can resort to such over-the-top language, overreacting so spectacularly to something so trivial.

“Even some of those with more temperate language are responding to the proposed changes in a way that is little short of hysterical.”

Read more here/Leia mais aqui: Times Online