segunda-feira, fevereiro 22, 2010

HOPOS: lançado mais um journal -- chamada de artigos

Call for Papers

HOPOS, the journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science, seeks to publish the highest-quality scholarship concerning the history of philosophical discussions about science. The history of philosophy of science is broadly construed to include topics in the history of related disciplines, in all time periods, and all geographical areas, using diverse methodologies. HOPOS scholarship is firmly concerned with situating philosophical understandings of science within the broader historical and philosophical settings in which they were developed, and against the backdrop of mainstream issues in philosophical thought, covering epistemological, methodological, metaphysical, and moral issues relevant to the growth of our knowledge of the world and human nature.

Our aims in publishing this journal are threefold. First, the journal provides an outlet for interdisciplinary work, which is not often easy to publish in existing journals due to both subject matter and length restrictions that do not allow for the extensive bibliographical references so often required in works that are of both a philosophical and a historical nature.

Second, the journal is devoted to raising the level of work in the history of philosophy of science by publishing scholarship that helps to explain the links among philosophy, science, and mathematics, along with the social, economic, and political context, which is indispensable for a genuine understanding of the history of philosophy. Finally, the journal is meant to increase the already unusually high level of cooperation among international scholars in the history of the philosophy of science.

Each issue will contain a minimum of four articles (with a flexible length requirement), an essay book review of between 5,000 and 10,000 words and six to 10 shorter (1500 word) reviews. Every year we will publish an extensive review of the recent scholarship in a growing area of our field, such as that being done on the history of the Vienna Circle, the history of Logical Empiricism in America, or the history of the emergence of modern philosophical arguments concerning scientific methodology in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Articles are blind reviewed by two or three referees.

The journal does not limit submissions to members of the International Society for the History of the Philosophy of Science. Scholars from all related disciplines are encouraged to submit to the journal.

The inaugural Editorial Board meeting will take place in Budapest, Hungary, on Friday, June 25, 2010. We invite you to learn more about the meeting by clicking the link below: