quarta-feira, fevereiro 24, 2010

Erros em livros didáticos de ciências na Inglaterra e País de Gales

An Analysis of Misconceptions in Science Textbooks: Earth science in England and Wales

Author: Chris John Henry King a


a Keele University, UK

DOI: 10.1080/09500690902721681
Published in: International Journal of Science Education, Volume 32, Issue 5 March 2010 , pages 565 - 601

First Published on: 27 May 2009

Subject: Science Education;

Previously published as: European Journal of Science Education (0140-5284) until 1987


Surveys of the earth science content of all secondary (high school) science textbooks and related publications used in England and Wales have revealed high levels of error/misconception. The 29 science textbooks or textbook series surveyed (51 texts in all) showed poor coverage of National Curriculum earth science and contained a mean level of one earth science error/misconception per page. Science syllabuses and examinations surveyed also showed errors/misconceptions. More than 500 instances of misconception were identified through the surveys. These were analysed for frequency, indicating that those areas of the earth science curriculum most prone to misconception are sedimentary processes/rocks, earthquakes/Earth's structure, and plate tectonics. For the 15 most frequent misconceptions, examples of quotes from the textbooks are given, together with the scientific consensus view, a discussion, and an example of a misconception of similar significance in another area of science. The misconceptions identified in the surveys are compared with those described in the literature. This indicates that the misconceptions found in college students and pre-service/practising science teachers are often also found in published materials, and therefore are likely to reinforce the misconceptions in teachers and their students. The analysis may also reflect the prevalence earth science misconceptions in the UK secondary (high school) science-teaching population. The analysis and discussion provide the opportunity for writers of secondary science materials to improve their work on earth science and to provide a platform for improved teaching and learning of earth science in the future. 

Keywords: Earth science education; High school; Misconception; Secondary school; Textbooks


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Exmo. Sr. Ministro da Educação:

Quando é que o MEC vai lidar seriamente com a questão de duas fraudes e de várias distorções de evidências científicas a favor do fato, Fato, FATO da evolução em nossos livros-texto de Biologia do ensino médio que são aprovados pelo MEC/SEMTEC/PNLEM?

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