sexta-feira, fevereiro 12, 2010

Design & Nature 2010 - 28-30 de junho de 2010 - Pisa, Itália

Organised By: Wessex Institute of Technology, UK
Sponsored By: International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics

View the conference website, which has full details about the conference objectives, topics and submission requirements at:

Please contact Jeni Roper at to receive a free copy of the International Journal of Design and Nature published by WIT Press. You may also be interested in the range of titles that we publish within Design and Nature. Please visit our website: 

Design and Nature 2010 includes a Special Seminar on Constructal Law organised by Prof Adrian Bejan from Duke University, USA

Registration for Design and Nature 2010 is now open online via the conference website.

Participants who opt to have their paper permanently and openly accessible on the WIT Press eLibrary will receive a USB Flash Drive containing all the papers presented at previous conferences in the Urban Transport series.

Papers are published in the Transactions of the Wessex Institute of Technology and distributed throughout the world. In addition, they are archived in the Wessex Institute eLibrary where they are permanently and easily accessible to the international community.

Delegates attending Design and Nature 2010 will be invited to submit an extended version of their paper for publication in the International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics, associated with the Wessex Institute of Technology.

Submit an abstract via the conference website: or contact the Conference Secretariat below.

Shape and form in engineering and nature
Nature and architectural design
Natural materials in engineering
Education in Design and Nature
Thermodynamics in nature
Mechanics in nature
Solutions from nature
Collective behaviour in nature

Irene Moreno Millan, Conference Secretariat, Design and Nature 2010
Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst
Southampton, SO40 7AA
Telephone: 44 (0) 238 029 3223 Fax: 44 (0) 238 029 2853

Please circulate this announcement to colleagues who may be interested in this conference. They can subscribe by e-mailing with 'Subscribe - Design and Nature 2010' as the subject line.

Please note: We endeavour to e-mail you information relevant to your field. However, if you are now specialising in another field and wish to receive news relevant to this area, or if you no longer wish to be included in this list please email:



E ainda dizem que design 'impede o avanço da ciência', que é pseudo-ciência, que o design na natureza é ilusão, y otras cositas mais. Embora este grupo não esteja ligado ao movimento do Design Inteligente, uma conferência dessas só fortalece nossas posições teóricas: o design é real e é empiricamente detectado na natureza.

Fui, pensando, acho que a torre de Pisa vai se render ao Design Inteligente...