quarta-feira, dezembro 02, 2009

Phil Jones, diretor do CRU, deixa o cargo para as investigações sobre o Climategate prosseguirem

CRU Update 1 December

Professor Phil Jones has today announced that he will stand aside as Director of the Climatic Research Unit until the completion of an independent Review resulting from allegations following the hacking and publication of emails from the Unit.

Professor Jones said: "What is most important is that CRU continues its world leading research with as little interruption and diversion as possible. After a good deal of consideration I have decided that the best way to achieve this is by stepping aside from the Director's role during the course of the independent review and am grateful to the University for agreeing to this. The Review process will have my full support."

Vice-Chancellor Professor Edward Acton said: "I have accepted Professor Jones's offer to stand aside during this period. It is an important step to ensure that CRU can continue to operate normally and the independent review can conduct its work into the allegations.

“We will announce details of the Independent Review, including its terms of reference, timescale and the chair, within days. I am delighted that Professor Peter Liss, FRS, CBE, will become acting director.”



Louvável a atitude deste cientista: ele seguiu estritamente o exemplo de políticos brasileiros corruptos quando são apanhados com panetone, oops dinheiro nas cuecas, e seus pares - honradamente e desapegadamente deixam seus cargos, e não fazem discursos de bois voadores, oops é preciso apurar se os vídeos não foram montados, y otras cositas mais! Brasília está exportando ÉTICA para a Nomenklatura científica!!!

Source/Fonte: University of East Anglia