sexta-feira, dezembro 18, 2009

Fórum de Coordenação para Combater o Antissemitismo

About Us

The Coordination Forum for Countering Antisemitism is a state forum that monitors antisemitic activities throughout the world. It coordinates the struggle against this phenomenon with various government bodies and Jewish organizations around the world.
Members of the forum are as follows: the Education and Foreign Ministries, the Prime Minister's Office/Information Centre and Government Secretariat, the Jewish Agency, ADL, World Jewish Congress, B'nei Brith, The Community Security Trust (CST) of Britain and Academic research institutes- the Stephen Roth Institute of Tel Aviv University and the Vidal Sasson Institute of the Hebrew University.

The Forum receives information on antisemitic activity from a variety of sources, checks this information and publishes it in regular reports.

The Forum convenes periodically to hear updated reports and establish policy on how to counter different forms of antisemitism.

Israel, as the Jewish State gives the highest priority to the security of Jewish communities around the world and has undertaken to do everything in its power to eradicate anti-Jewish activity.

The struggle against antisemitism must unfortunately persist and requires our constant attention. This entails learning and understanding the extent of the phenomenon and recruiting all the relevant resources to fight it wherever and whenever it appears.

Members of the forum are as follows: the Education and Foreign Ministries, the Prime Minister's Office/Information Centre and Government Secretariat, the Jewish Agency, ADL, World Jewish Congress, B'nei Brith, The Community Security Trust (CST) of Britain and Academic research institutes- the Stephen Roth Institute of Tel Aviv University and the Vidal Sasson Institute of the Hebrew University.

The Forum receives information on antisemitic activity from a variety of sources, checks this information and publishes it in regular reports.

The Forum convenes periodically to hear updated reports and establish policy on how to counter different forms of antisemitism.

Israel, as the Jewish State gives the highest priority to the security of Jewish communities around the world and has undertaken to do everything in its power to eradicate anti-Jewish activity.

The struggle against antisemitism must unfortunately persist and requires our constant attention. This entails learning and understanding the extent of the phenomenon and recruiting all the relevant resources to fight it wherever and whenever it appears.

Our Website

As part of the above effort the Forum receives information on anti-Semitic activity from a variety of sources, checks this information and publishes it on our website that has set up to serve as a tool in struggle.

Our website has the largest and most comprehensive data base of anti-Semitic incident reported throughout the world and is updated daily with reports, pictures, video clips and statistics. The incidents in our archive can be accessed by date, location and/or category. The site also offers information on the ongoing struggle against anti-Semitic and related articles.

Our address

Tel: 972-2-6242671


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