sexta-feira, dezembro 04, 2009

As virtudes da frugalidade: revelar os dados gradualmente

The Virtues of Frugality - Why cosmological observers should release their data slowly

Glenn D. Starkman (Case), Roberto Trotta (Imperial), Pascal M. Vaudrevange (Case)
(Submitted on 14 Sep 2009 (v1), last revised 12 Oct 2009 (this version, v2))

Cosmologists will soon be in a unique position. Observational noise will gradually be replaced by cosmic variance as the dominant source of uncertainty in an increasing number of observations. We reflect on the ramifications for the discovery and verification of new models. If there are features in the full data set that call for a new model, there will be no subsequent observations to test that model's predictions. We give specific examples of the problem by discussing the pitfalls of model discovery by prior adjustment in the context of dark energy models and inflationary theories. We show how the gradual release of data can mitigate this difficulty, allowing anomalies to be identified, and new models to be proposed and tested. We advocate that observers plan for the frugal release of data from future cosmic variance limited observations.

Comments: 5 pages, expanded discussion of Lambda and of blind anlysis, added refs. Matches version to appear in MNRAS Letters
Subjects: Cosmology and Extragalactic Astrophysics (astro-ph.CO)
Cite as: arXiv:0909.2649v2 [astro-ph.CO]
