domingo, novembro 01, 2009

Um fragmento de mandíbula inferior e um dente: sinais da presença humana na China há mais de 100 mil anos?

Science 30 October 2009:
Vol. 326. no. 5953, p. 655
DOI: 10.1126/science.326_655a


Signs of Early Homo sapiens in China?

Richard Stone

A fresh find of human fossils claimed to be more than 100,000 years old challenges the prevailing view that our ancestors peopled the world in a migration out of Africa late in the last Ice Age, Chinese scientists say. Other experts, however, argue that it's far too early to make sweeping claims about the significance of the putative Homo sapiens fossils: a fragment of a lower jawbone and isolated teeth unearthed in southern China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and unveiled there at a press conference earlier this week.


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