segunda-feira, outubro 26, 2009

Revisitando o 'dogma central': e agora Darwin?

Este novo artigo de James Shapiro é sobre o dogma central da biologia molecular. Interessante porque a questão se tornou muito mais complexa do que imaginavam os biólogos.

Você que é biólogo, esqueça o mantra “um gene, uma proteína e tudo o mais é lixo”.

O artigo de Shapiro pode ser resumido assim:

Conventional expression of the Central Dogma of Molecule Biology:
(DNA ==>2X DNA) ==> RNA ==> Protein ==> Phenotype

Contemporary statements of molecular information transfer in cell:
1. DNA + 0 ==> 0

2. DNA + Protein + ncRNA ==> Chromatin

3. Chromatin + Protein + ncRNA ==> DNA replication, chromatin maintenance/reconstitution

4. Protein + RNA + lipids + small molecules ==> Signal transduction

5. Chromatin + Protein + signals ==> RNA (primary transcript)

6. RNA + Protein + ncRNA ==> RNA (processed transcript)

7. RNA + Protein + ncRNA ==> Protein (primary translation product)

8. Protein + nucleotides + Ac-CoA + SAM + sugars + lipids ==> Processed and decorated protein

9. DNA + Protein ==> new DNA sequence (mutator polymerases)

10. Signals + Chromatin + Protein ==> new DNA structure (stimulated DNA rearrangements; Table 1)

11. RNA + Protein + chromatin ==> new DNA structure (retrotransposition, retroduction, retrohoming)

12. Signals + chromatin + proteins + ncRNA + lipids ==> nuclear/nucleoid localization


DNA + Protein + ncRNA + signals + other molecules <==> Genome Structure & Phenotype



E agora, Darwin???