quarta-feira, outubro 28, 2009

Nem na terra dele Darwin convence...

Dizem que o livro Origem das Espécies provocou uma revolução no pensamento humano, que esgotou logo na primeira edição, que nada em biologia faz sentido a não ser à luz da evolução, que Darwin teve a maior ideia que toda a humanidade já teve, y otras cositas mais que ouvimos nas nauseabundas comemorações dos 200 anos de Darwin e dos 150 anos do Origem das Espécies.

Ué, mas nem na terra dele Darwin conseguiu convencer a turma do andar de baixo???

Marotamente, a pesquisa deixou de fora o Brasil, um país não muito importante e menos populoso da América do Sul, e foram perguntar a los hermanos en Argentina.Apesar disso, Darwin também perdeu lá.

Fui, nem sei por que, pensando por que Darwin é assim tão rejeitado??? Pobre Darwin!!!


Teach both evolution and creationism say 54% of Britons

British Council poll finds UK adults overtake Americans in wanting science teaching in schools to include intelligent design

Jessica Shepherd
guardian.co.uk, Sunday 25 October 2009 15.50 GMT

More than half of British adults think that intelligent design and creationism should be taught alongside evolution in schoolscience lessons – a proportion higher than in the US.

An Ipsos Mori survey questioned 11,768 adults from 10 countries on how the theory of evolution should be taught in school science lessons.

About 54% of the 973 polled Britons agreed with the view: "Evolutionary theories should be taught in science lessons in schools together with other possible perspectives, such as intelligent design and creationism."

In the US, of 991 adults responding to the survey, which was organised by the British Council, 51% agreed that evolution should be on the curriculum alongside other theories, like intelligent design.

Across the 10 countries, 43% agreed with this statement.

It was found that Britons were almost three times more likely than Egyptians to want creationism and intelligent design to be included in the teaching of evolution.

Creationism holds that the origins of humanity and the Earth are recent and divine, as related in the book of Genesis. Strict creationists believe Adam and Eve are the mother and father of humanity and that God created the Earth in six days. Advocates of intelligent design argue that some features of the universe and nature are so complex they must have been designed by a higher intelligence.

The UK government has been quick to denounce creationism and intelligent design as unrecognised scientific theory that did not meet the requirements of the national curriculum, but it has said that young people can "discuss creationism as part of their religious education classes".

Neither the primary nor secondary school science curriculums mention creationism or intelligent design.

Prominent scientists and teaching unions have expressed shock at the poll's findings.

Lewis Wolpert, emeritus professor of biology at University College London (UCL), who is vice-president of the British Humanist Association, said: "I am appalled. It shows how ignorant the public is. Intelligent design and creationism have no connection with science and are purely religious concepts. There is no evidence for them at all. They must be kept out of science lessons."

Steve Jones, professor of genetics at UCL, said: "This shows the danger of religions being allowed to buy schools, hijack lessons and pretend that they have anything useful to say about science – which, by definition, they do not. The figure seems much too high, although no doubt there is a substantial minority that does think this."

Christine Blower, acting general secretary of the National Union of Teachers, said: "It would be wholly wrong to include creationism in the science curriculum. An overwhelming body of evidence, not assertion, supports the concept of evolution and therefore evolution must form the basis of the science curriculum. Consideration of creationism might not be out of place in religious education."

Teachers were not expressing concern that they were under pressure to teach creationism and intelligent design, teaching unions said.

Read more here/Leia mais aqui.



Eu não vi nenhuma nota sobre isso na Grande Mídia Tupiniquim. Razão: a GMT sofre da síndrome ricuperiana - "O que Darwin tem de bom, a gente mostra; o que Darwin tem de ruim, a gente ESCONDE"!!!

Eu ia me esquecendo. A razão do silêncio ambém é devido à relação incestuosa que a GMT vive com a Nomenklatura científica. Eu, se fosse jornalista científico, teria vergonha de desempenhar tão acapachante papel profissional...
