Vocês se lembram do Darwinius masillae que foi trombeteado como um elo transitivo na evolução humana? Ele foi pro saco! E foi rapidamente, nem deu tempo de gozar seus 15 minutos de fama evolutiva!
Nature Volume 461 Number 7267 pp1027-1162
(subscription needed)
Fossil primate challenges Ida's place
Controversial German specimen is related to lemurs, not humans, analysis of an Egyptian find suggests.
Rex Dalton
A 37-million-year-old fossil primate from Egypt, described today inNature1, moves a controversial German fossil known as Ida out of the human lineage.
Teeth and ankle bones of the new Egyptian specimen show that the 47-million-year-old Ida, formally called Darwinius masillae, is not in the lineage of early apes and monkeys (haplorhines), but instead belongs to ancestors (adapiforms) of today's lemurs and lorises.
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