quinta-feira, setembro 17, 2009

O Yad Vashem precisa saber os nomes de mais de 2 milhões de judeus que morreram no Holocausto

Rabbi Israel Meir Lau, Chairman of the Yad Vashem Council, drawing on biblical sources, delivers an inspirational drasha (homily) on the importance of commemorating the Jews who perished during the Shoah. Rav Lau, himself a child survivor of Buchenwald, powerfully calls upon Jews across the world, to join Yad Vashem's efforts to recover the names of each individual Shoah victim by filling out Pages of Testimony in their memory and submitting them to Yad Vashem. This is a race against time. Act now before those who still remember them are gone forever. Search for information or submit names of people you know of who perished during the Shoah on Yad Vashem's Central Database of Shoah Victims' Names.

Se você conhece alguém que morreu no Holocausto e que ainda não tem o nome registrado no Yad Vashem, favor enviar estes nomes: são mais de 2 milhões de pessoas que morreram e que ainda não foram relacionadas naquele memorial.