terça-feira, setembro 08, 2009

Mano, agora a origem da vida é zinco puro!

Vocês se lembram do experimento de Urey-Miller que adornam até hoje nossos livros didáticos explicando como se deu a origem da vida? Os autores de livros didáticos de Biologia do ensino médio e a Nomenklatura científica sabem há décadas que a experiência de Urey-Miller não se sustenta pelas evidências negativas encontradas no contexto de justificação teórica: na natureza não encontramos vestígios sequer da sopa do Zarur, oops da tal sopa primordial.

O nome disso é descompasso com a verdade científica. Pior ainda, continuam engabelando os alunos do ensino médio, violentando sua cidadania no direito à informação científica atualizada e objetiva. Eu chamo de 171 epistêmico. Ciência e mentira não podem andar de mãos dadas, mas o que é uma fraude, duas, três, quatro, cinco, seis fraudes para a manutenção do materialismo filosófico que posa como se fosse ciência?

Bem, o experimento de Urey-Miller vai sair brevemente de nossos livros didáticos de Biologia, e os alunos não vão ficar sabendo do por que ter sido substituído. Em ciência é assim mesmo: a verdade de hoje é a mentira de amanhã, oops, rei morto, rei posto. Agora o novo mito da origem da vida é zinco e raios ultravioleta! É isso aí, mano: a origem da vida é zinco puro!


Artigo 1:

On the origin of life in the Zinc world: 1. Photosynthesizing, porous edifices built of hydrothermally precipitated zinc sulfide as cradles of life on Earth

Armen Y Mulkidjanian

Biology Direct 2009, 4:26doi:10.1186/1745-6150-4-26

Published: 24 August 2009
Abstract (provisional)


The complexity of the problem of the origin of life has spawned a large number of possible evolutionary scenarios. Their number, however, can be dramatically reduced by the simultaneous consideration of various bioenergetic, physical, and geological constraints.


This work puts forward an evolutionary scenario that satisfies the known constraints by proposing that life on Earth emerged, powered by UV-rich solar radiation, at photosynthetically active porous edifices made of precipitated zinc sulfide (ZnS) similar to those found around modern deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Under the high pressure of the primeval, carbon dioxide-dominated atmosphere ZnS could precipitate at the surface of the first continents, within reach of solar light. It is suggested that the ZnS surfaces (1) used the solar radiation to drive carbon dioxide reduction, yielding the building blocks for the first biopolymers, (2) served as templates for the synthesis of longer biopolymers from simpler building blocks, and (3) prevented the first biopolymers from photo-dissociation, by absorbing from them the excess radiation. In addition, the UV light may have favoured the selective enrichment of photostable, RNA-like polymers. Falsification tests of this hypothesis are described in the accompanying article (A.Y. Mulkidjanian, M.Y. Galperin, Biology Direct 2009, 4:27).


The suggested "Zn world" scenario identifies the geological conditions under which photosynthesizing ZnS edifices of hydrothermal origin could emerge and persist on primordial Earth, includes a mechanism of the transient storage and utilization of solar light for the production of diverse organic compounds, and identifies the driving forces and selective factors that could have promoted the transition from the first simple, photostable polymers to more complex living organisms. Reviewers: This paper was reviewed by Arcady Mushegian, Simon Silver (nominated by Arcady Mushegian), Antoine Danchin (nominated by Eugene Koonin) and Dieter Braun (nominated by Sergey Maslov).

Free provisional PDF here/PDF provisório gratuito aqui.


Artigo 2:

On the origin of life in the Zinc world. 2. Validation of the hypothesis on the photosynthesizing zinc sulfide edifices as cradles of life on Earth
Armen Y Mulkidjanian and Michael Galperin

Biology Direct 2009, 4:27doi:10.1186/1745-6150-4-27

Published: 24 August 2009
Abstract (provisional)


The accompanying article (A.Y. Mulkidjanian, Biology Direct 4:26) puts forward a detailed hypothesis on the role of zinc sulfide (ZnS) in the origin of life on Earth. The hypothesis suggests that life emerged within compartmentalized, photosynthesizing ZnS formations of hydrothermal origin (the Zn world), assembled in sub-aerial settings on the surface of the primeval Earth.


If life started within photosynthesizing ZnS compartments, it should have been able to evolve under the conditions of elevated levels of Zn2+ ions, byproducts of the ZnS-mediated photosynthesis. Therefore, the Zn world hypothesis leads to a set of testable predictions regarding the specific roles of Zn2+ ions in modern organisms, particularly in RNA and protein structures related to the procession of RNA and the "evolutionarily old" cellular functions. We checked these predictions using publicly available data and obtained evidence suggesting that the development of the primeval life forms up to the stage of the Last Universal Common Ancestor proceeded in zinc-rich settings. Testing of the hypothesis has revealed the possible supportive role of manganese sulfide in the primeval photosynthesis. In addition, we demonstrate the explanatory power of the Zn world concept by elucidating several points that so far remained without acceptable rationalization. In particular, this concept implies a new scenario for the separation of Bacteria and Archaea and the origin of Eukarya.


The ability of the Zn world hypothesis to generate non-trivial veritable predictions and explain previously obscure items gives credence to its key postulate that the development of the first life forms started within zinc-rich formations of hydrothermal origin and was driven by solar UV irradiation. This concept implies that the geochemical conditions conducive to the origin of life may have persisted only as long as the atmospheric CO2 pressure remained above ca. 10 bar. This work envisions the first Earth biotopes as photosynthesizing and habitable areas of porous ZnS and MnS precipitates around primeval hot springs. Further work will be needed to provide details on the life within these communities and to elucidate the primordial (bio)chemical reactions. Reviewers. This article was reviewed by Arcady Mushegian, Eugene Koonin, and Patrick Forterre. For the full reviews, please go to the Reviewers' reports section.

Free provisional PDF here/PDF provisório gratuito aqui.