quinta-feira, setembro 24, 2009

Bioengenharia - um neologismo com licença para matar os mais fracos e criar uma super-raça

Cientistas podem ser genocidas? Não duvide nem um pouco. A bioengenharia é um nelogismo criado pela Nomenklatura científica para sanitizar, tornar mais palatável para o andar de baixo a eugenia (uma pseudociência derivada do darwinismo).

Aqui no Brasil nós já temos gente pesquisando nesta área? Eles não nos pediram um cheque em branco com a questão das pesquisas com células-tronco embrionárias? Em que pé estamos nessas pesquisas...

Vade retro neo-Adolf Hitlers tupiniquins.


Nature's Design

War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Human Race
By Rachel Dzanashvili

Staff Writer

Published: Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Updated: Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What would it take to engineer the perfect human being? For many Americans, this sounds like a cheesy tag-line in a sci-fi movie. Few people know that during the 20th century, an attempt was made to engineer a utopian society, or that this attempt involved some of the most appalling ethical violations in U.S. history.

This attempt is the eugenics movement, and its horrors have been vividly documented by Edwin Black in his book, “War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Human Race.” The book describes how a broad coalition of politicians, scientists, and intellectuals attempted to create a society free of violence, poverty and degeneracy, and, in doing so, contributed to one of history’s most horrific episodes: the Holocaust.

In this book, Black allows the reader to see an entire picture of the movement that led to anti-miscegenation laws (which prohibit marriage between races), immigration restrictions and a compulsory sterilization of more than 60,000 “defective” Americans. Ironically, over a third of these policies were instituted after World War II, after the Nuremberg trials deemed compulsory sterilization a crime against humanity.

While its thesis is simple, the sheer volume of information is both astonishing and galling. In the first of three parts, Black discusses the cultural, political and scientific landscape that allowed the pseudoscience of eugenics to thrive in the industrialized world It also describes the mass paranoia fixated on preserving racial superiority of the Anglo-Saxons at the expense of minorities, the poor and anyone else deemed “defective.”

The reader is also introduced to characters who advocated eugenics, some of whom are familiar -- Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, acclaimed author H.G. Wells, to name a few -- and some less well-known, including Charles Davenport, who pioneered eugenics research at Cold Spring Harbor, and Dr. Harry Haiselden, who advocated the passive euthanizing of newborns.

Read more here/Leia mais aqui.