Três cientistas de peso se juntam ao Biologic Institute
A tropa de choque da Nomenklatura científica diz que a teoria do Design Inteligente é pseudociência ou criacionismo disfarçado, e que seus cientistas não realizam pesquisas tendo as proposições da TDI como orientação em suas pesquisas. Nada mais falso. Nós temos o Biologic Institute. Três cientistas de peso acabaram de se filiar àquela instituição:
New Talent from New Places — August 6th, 2009 by Biologic Staff
Biologic Institute welcomes three European scientists this month, the first (we hope) of many. [1]
Professor Matti Leisola, the Dean of Chemistry and Materials Science at Helsinki University of Technology in Finland, brings a wealth of experience on the structure and function of enzymes, including their responses to engineered changes. His research team has made a huge impact in their field, with well over a thousand references to their work in the scientific literature.
Colin Reeves, Professor of Operational Research in the School of Mathematical and Information Sciences at Coventry University, expands our program of research on information theory and search algorithms. His work in this area has focused on genetic algorithms—search methods that borrow various principles from evolutionary biology. Connections of this kind between different fields provide opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration, which is nearly always a good thing.
The addition of Stuart Burgess likewise brings us to an exciting interface between disciplines. Professor Burgess is the Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Bristol. He’s a first-rate engineer, but one with an unusual fascination with biology. That’s the right combination of interests for designing things like robotic versions of flying insects. [2] Our interest, of course, is that you can’t come away from projects like that without new insights into the connection between life and design.
Maybe your expertise will be the next valuable addition. If so, we’d like to hear from you. We aren’t big (yet). But we keep seeing big opportunities.
[1] See People for bios of these scientists and other recent additions.
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