sábado, maio 16, 2009

A teoria de Mendel não apoia a teoria da evolução de Darwin?

Mendel's Opposition to Evolution and to Darwin

B. E. Bishop
Address reprint requests to the author at 6 Barbados Rd., Federation Park, Port of Spain, Trinidad, Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies

Corresponding Editor: Stephen J. O'Brien


Although the past decade or so has seen a resurgence of interest in Mendel's role in the origin of genetic theory, only one writer, L. A. Callender (1988), has concluded that Mendel was opposed to evolution. Yet careful scrutiny of Mendel's Pisum paper, published in 1866, and of the time and circumstances in which it appeared suggests not only that it is antievolutlonary in content, but also that it was specifically written in contradiction of Darwin's book The Origin of Species, published in 1859, and that Mendel's and Darwin's theories, the two theories which were united in the 1940s to form the modern synthesis, are completely antithetical.


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