quinta-feira, maio 14, 2009

A compaixão é um traço evolutivo pré-histórico antiquíssimo pra dedéu...

Jean-Jacques Hublin escreveu um comentário para o journal PNAS intitulado “The prehistory of compassion” [A pré-história da compaixão].

Ele tentou explicar o altruísmo com duas referências evolutivas explanatórias:

From an evolutionary perspective, the forms of altruism observed in animals in general and in non-human primates, in particular, have been primarily interpreted as either support to kin (helping those who carry the same genes) or support to those able to reciprocate the favor (helping oneself indirectly). This is in contrast to the trivial observation of humans helping others, even when the helper receives no immediate benefit and the person being helped is a stranger. However, claims have been made that the level of altruism displayed by chimpanzees could be much higher than what was once thought.

Hublin observou este tipo de 'altruísmo' entre os chimpanzés, e salientou o seguinte:

Finally, the divide between apes and early humans might not be as large as one tends to think. Rather than considering ancient human altruism as proof of the moral values of our predecessors, one should instead see it as merely part of the spectrum of adaptations that have made humans such a prolific and successful species.



Os humanos primitivos conseguiram sobreviver como mais aptos porque eram 'solidários', ou foram 'solidários' porque sobreviveram? Eu chamo esse princípio de "Princípio Tostines a la Darwin" - é crocante porque é Tostines, ou é Tostines porque é crocante???

A Lógica Evolutiva 101 é fácil de se entender pra cacete!!!


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