quinta-feira, abril 02, 2009

Second Iberoamerican School of Astrobiology

Second Iberoamerican School of Astrobiology
2009 APRIL 1


UNESCO’s Regional Bureau for Science in Latin America and the Caribbean in cooperation the School of Sciences from the University of the Republic (Montevideo) and the Argentine Institute for Radioastronomy (Conicet, Argentina) is organizing the Second Iberoamerican School of Astrobiology: from the Big Bang to the Civilizations to be held in Montevideo, Uruguay on September, 7‐13, 2009. This graduate school will provide Latin American and Caribbean students the possibility to contact different regional and international experts in cutting‐edge research related with Astrobiology: the search for life in the universe. This is an interdisciplinary and intersectoral research activity that combines knowledge of physics, astronomy, biology, geology, atmospheric sciences, hidrology, electronic engineering,
ecology, cognitive sciences, sociology and philosophy.

The Graduate School will have place for 60 national and regional graduate students and approximately 17 professors (5 extra‐regional , 8 from the region and 4 from the host country). It will have 5 public events that will be organized at the Planetarium, MERCOSUR Headquarters, the School of Sciences of the University of the Republic and other public
places (TBD).


Guillermo A. Lemarchand,
Regional Consultant,
Basic and Engineering Sciences (SC BES) and
Science Policy and Sustainable Development (SC PSD);
UNESCO’s Regional Bureau for Science in Latin America and the Caribbean;
E‐Mail: glemarchand@unesco.org.uy
Tel.:+5982 413 2975 Fax:+5982 413 2094
