Marven F. Pedbost,1⋆ Trillean Pomalgu,1 and the Galaxy Zoo team
1Institute of Cosmology, University of Brentwood, Brentwood, Essex, HG4 2TG, UK.
We have identified a new class of galaxy cluster using data fromthe Galaxy Zoo project. These clusters are rare, and thus have apparently gone unnoticed before, despite their unusual properties. They appear especially anomalous when themorphological properties of their component galaxies are considered. Their identification therefore depends upon the visual inspection of large numbers of galaxies, a feat which has only recently been made possible by Galaxy Zoo,
together with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We present the basic properties of our cluster sample, and discuss possible formation scenarios and implications for cosmology.
Key words: galaxies: clusters: general — galaxies: structure — galaxies: fundamental parameters
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