sexta-feira, março 27, 2009

Tributo especial a Darwin no Journal of Biology (Feb. 2009)


The light of evolution

Miranda Robertson

This month, Journal of Biology, like almost everyone else, has some specially commissioned articles to mark the 200th anniversary of Darwin’s birth, although it may not be immediately obvious where the Darwin articles end and our usual review
content begins. This is in part a reflection of the admirable strength of our sister BMC journals, from which the subject matter of our minireviews is largely drawn, in evolutionary biology and in genomics; but it is also in large part, of course, a tribute to the pervasiveness of what Paul Harvey [1] calls the Darwinian agenda.

Paul Harvey’s is one of the two specially commissioned articles that is about Darwin himself rather than his legacy. We asked him to write on what Darwin actually proved, a question that arises from time to time in the context of the Popperian definition of the scientific process but that Harvey has adroitly sidestepped in favour of a
selection of vivid examples of Darwin’s singular character as a thinker and an experimental biologist.


PDF completo da edição comemorativa do Journal of Biology (Feb. 2009) sobre Darwin aqui [14.62 MB].