sábado, março 28, 2009

Design inteligente em ação: vídeos virtuais de biologia molecular e celular

Cell Biol Educ 4(2): 169-179 2005
DOI: 10.1187/cbe.04-07-0047
© 2005 American Society for Cell Biology

Molecular and Cellular Biology Animations: Development and Impact on Student Learning
Phillip McClean*, Christina Johnson, Roxanne Rogers, Lisa Daniels, John Reber, Brian M. Slator||, Jeff Terpstra, and Alan White

* Department of Plant Sciences, Department of Biological Sciences School of Education Department of Statistics||Department of Computer Science North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105

Submitted July 21, 2004; Revised November 19, 2004; Accepted December 14, 2004


Address correspondence to: Phillip McClean mcclean@ndsu.nodak.edu

Educators often struggle when teaching cellular and molecular processes because typically they have only two-dimensional tools to teach something that plays out in four dimensions. Learning research has demonstrated that visualizing processes in three dimensions aids learning, and animations are effective visualization tools for novice learners and aid with long-term memory retention. The World Wide Web Instructional Committee at North Dakota State University has used these research results as an inspiration to develop a suite of high-quality animations of molecular and cellular processes. Currently, these animations represent transcription, translation, bacterial gene expression, messenger RNA (mRNA) processing, mRNA splicing, protein transport into an organelle, the electron transport chain, and the use of a biological gradient to drive adenosine triphosphate synthesis. These animations are integrated with an educational module that consists of First Look and Advanced Look components that feature captioned stills from the animation representing the key steps in the processes at varying levels of complexity. These animation-based educational modules are available via the World Wide Web at http://vcell.ndsu.edu/animations. An in-class research experiment demonstrated that student retention of content material was significantly better when students received a lecture coupled with the animations and then used the animation as an individual study activity.

Key Words: animations • student learning • biological processes • learning modules • undergraduate • secondary school • ANOVA


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