terça-feira, fevereiro 17, 2009

AskNature: seguindo as pegadas de Bacon de fazer perguntas à natureza

Gente, este site AskNature de um grupo de cientistas está demais. Eles estão seguindo as pegadas de Bacon: ir à natureza e fazer perguntas a ela. Especialmente curioso é o fato desse grupo 'imitar' o design detectado (Argh, isso é como cometer um assassinato epistêmico!)na natureza e 'imitá-la' nos mais variados designs encontrados nas coisas bióticas. Eu já relacionei como um dos meus preferidos.

Até onde eu sei, eles não são adeptos e nem proponentes da teoria do Design Inteligente. Mas não estão longe, como alguns professores de universidades públicas e privadas que já estão balançando na sua 'crença' em Darwin. Quem viver, verá...


Biomimicry: Innovation inspired by nature
Janine Benyus: 12 sustainable design ideas from nature 23:59

What Is AskNature?

Imagine 3.8 billion years of design brilliance available for free, at the moment of creation, to any sustainability innovator in the world.

Imagine nature's most elegant ideas organized by design and engineering function, so you can enter "filter salt from water" and see how mangroves, penguins, and shorebirds desalinate without fossil fuels.

Now imagine you can meet the people who have studied these organisms, and together you can create the next great bio-inspired solution.

That's the idea behind AskNature, the online inspiration source for the biomimicry community. Think of it as your home habitat—whether you're a biologist who wants to share what you know about an amazing organism, or a designer, architect, engineer, or chemist looking for planet-friendly solutions. AskNature is where biology and design cross-pollinate, so bio-inspired breakthroughs can be born.

Thanks to our sponsors, AskNature is a free, open source project, built by the community and for the community. Our goal is to connect innovative minds with life's best ideas, and in the process, inspire technologies that create conditions conducive to life. To accomplish this, we're doing something that has never been done—organizing the world's biological literature by function.

What you'll see on the site today is a starter culture of ideas—biological blueprints and strategies, bio-inspired products and design sketches, and biomimics you can talk to and collaborate with. Over the next few months, this genetic pool of ideas will grow as we receive natural history information from our partner,Encyclopedia of Life. Our social web will also grow, beginning with tapping into thousands of solution seekers who are part of the Wiser Earth global network.

Luckily, we live on a wildly diverse planet surrounded by genius, and now there's one site where you can celebrate, learn from, and even conserve that genius. So please, come meet your mentors, get involved, and be part of the design revolution inspired by nature.

Janine Benyus
Co-Founder/Board President
The Biomimicry Institute