quinta-feira, julho 17, 2008

Salvando Darwin das garras do ateísmo

Richard Dawkins afirmou no seu livro "O relojoeiro cego" que antes de Darwin era possível ser ateu, mas que depois de Darwin é possível ser ateu plenamente satisfeito.

Pois é Dawkins, a Fundação John Templeton (recentemente falecido) acaba de conceder recursos financeiros para livrar Darwin das garras dos ateus. Que estranha operação!

Theos is delighted to announce that it has been awarded a major grant by the John Templeton Foundation to undertake a new project on science and religion in partnership with the Faraday Institute in Cambridge.

The project, provisionally entitled ‘Rescuing Darwin’, is being undertaken to coincide with the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin's birth and the 150th anniversary of the publication of The Origin of Species.

The project will research and analyse the extent and nature of evolutionary and anti-evolutionary opinion in the UK, and its relationship to theism, atheism and agnosticism.

The qualitative research being undertaken is intended to gain a greater understanding of the discourses that lie behind three strands of thought and belief: ‘Young Earth Creationism’ (YEC), ‘Old Earth Creationism’ (OEC) and ‘Intelligent Design’ (ID), with specific focus on the use, acceptance and rejection of Darwinism. This element of the research project will stand independently of any particular argument or paradigm and aims at elucidation, rather than seeking evidence which would promote or detract from any individual stance or argument.

Watch this space for more details.