domingo, julho 06, 2008

Conferência Internacional sobre Evolução e Desenvolvimento do Universo

Call for Papers - First International Conference on the Evolution and
Development of the Universe

Evo Devo Universe is a global scholarly research community interested in quasi-organic models of the universe. We are seeking cosmologists, physicists, astrobiologists, theoretical and evo-devo biologists, complexity, systems and hierarchy theorists, philosophers, and other scholars who wish to explore and critique hypotheses of evolution and development at universal and subsystem scales. Please see for more details, including our research themes

Our first international conference on these topics will be occurring in Paris,
France on 8-9 October, 2008. Our first deadline for abstract and paper proposal
submission is July 30th, 2008. Top papers will be published in a special issue
of Foundations of Science. If you have an interest in these themes, please consider joining us in Paris, or submitting an abstract or paper proposal.

Download the EDU 2008 Call for Papers.